Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Tribute

Last Sunday I shared part of an email that I’d received from a young man who was a part of the first church Tami and I pastored, in Marysville, Michigan. I’d like to share with you the story that led up to this email as a tribute to a very special friend.

In 1989 Tami and I moved to Michigan. Eric Schuman was a young man who attended the church with his family. He was my age, married, and had three children. A friendship quickly developed, and because we enjoyed the same hobbies we were together a lot.

Eric had not been a Christian very long, so it was a great opportunity for me to help disciple him. We discussed various subjects relating to the Christian life such as parenting, church leadership, evangelism, and many other topics. Eric was constantly in the Word and hungry to learn. Soon he was teaching a children’s Sunday School class and volunteering to serve in many areas of the church. He was truly a walking testimony of God’s changing power.

Eric’s passion to grow in his faith was just a reflection of who he was as a person. It seemed like whatever Eric did he was a natural at it. He was a star athlete in high school. He excelled in the army, climbing quickly the ranks. He signed up for any training that was offered and enjoyed every minute of it. He told me about one training class that took him to the jungles of Panama to learn survival skills. Unfortunately, he suffered an unexpected injury that forced him out of the military, but that didn’t discourage Eric.  

In life, one of our friends always told Eric that he was “the luckiest guy ever.” It seemed like Eric was successful at whatever he set out to do. Sports, teaching, career, family—everything seemed perfect. At 34, life couldn’t have been any better for Eric. That winter, Tami and I returned to Michigan after a Christmas vacation trip to Texas and Eric called to ask for prayer. He had been suffering migraine headaches and was going to the hospital to see what could be done. That night Eric’s life changed because they discovered he had a brain tumor. Eric fought for a year and a half before passing away. Throughout his battle, he was an encouragement to those around him. When he passed away he left behind his wife, Mona, and three amazing kids. His funeral was packed out, and over 100 people who attended raised their hands to accept Christ as their Savior. 

Eric was a very special part of my life, and there’s not a week that goes by when I don’t think back on the times we enjoyed together. We played golf, bowled (Eric was a professional bowler for a while), played softball, went to high school football games, and just sat and talked about our families, our jobs, and our Christian journey. Matt, Eric’s son and the youngest child, was angry at God for what happened to his dad. As an 11-year-old boy he couldn’t understand why this happened. As Christians we are not exempt from hurt and pain, but how do you get an 11-year-old to understand that when you cannot understand it fully yourself? Here it is, 17 years later, and he was talking to his mom and that led him to our website where he started listening to my sermons. He not only listened, but he also realized that being angry at God was not the way to find peace. He sought God and God was there. Matt said he felt like a weight was lifted off of his life and now he is looking for a church where he can take his family. Matt, I’m so proud of you, and I know your mom and dad are too! You will see him again when we are reunited in heaven. I miss your dad too!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

When Things Just Don't Look Right

On Monday afternoon I drove over to our house to see how the remodeling was progressing. Tami and I have been excited by all the changes we’ve seen, and with each passing day we are closer to moving back into our fully remodeled home. As I walked into the kitchen and looked at the cabinets with the new floor, I realized that something was not right. The cabinets were not square to the room and it was quite obvious that they were not installed correctly. I’m thankful our contractor was there because he helped me figure out that the cabinets needed to be moved at one end by four inches to bring it to square. This meant that the cabinet maker was off with his measurements when he measured at the beginning of the project. I immediately called the company that was responsible for that part of the remodeling and informed them that we had a problem.

Last week I was amazed by how much I liked our new look and how everything was coming together. The cabinets are exactly what we wanted, the installed granite was perfect, and the new floors just pulled it all together. There was excitement because we were getting close to the end and would soon be back home. It was only as the project progressed that the error of measurements was noticed. The further the project went, the more obvious the error stood out. So, the only thing that can be done is to go back and remove things that are completed so the error can be corrected and then move on with the remodel. This means that a new cabinet will have to be made and stained, new granite purchased and installed, and the floor reinstalled.

Looking at everything that is going to have to be redone has me wondering when somebody first realized there was a problem. Did they realize when the cabinets were being installed that they were off? Or when they put the island back into its place? When they cut the granite, did somebody notice that this is not quite right? Or was the error totally unnoticed until the floors were being installed? I’m not a builder and would never try to answer those questions, but I know that the sooner the problem was discovered and corrected the less backtracking would have been required.

I’ve been a Christian for over 40 years, and I’m so thankful for those men and women who have poured into my life to help me grow. There have been times when I’ve gotten off track a little but thought that it was not a big deal, only to discover it was a big deal as time went by. Telling that small lie, hiding that one secret sin, ignoring the Holy Spirit’s guidance, etc. There are several things that can cause me to get off track if I’m not careful, and as small as it may seem today, it can become a major problem down the road. I enjoy golfing, and when I was learning to play my teacher often told me that a club face that hits a golf ball and is 1% off target will equate to 15 to 20 yards off target when it lands. A plane that may only veer 1% off its flight pattern at takeoff will be several miles off target when it’s time to land. Where will the Christian that is 1% off in his or her spiritual journey today be down the road if the problems are not addressed? Keep watch over your journey with Christ and make sure you are square to what the Bible teaches you so that you don’t have to backtrack later. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Why Do These Things Keep Happening?

I’m often asked if the stories I share in my blog actually happened because some people can’t believe one person could have so many things happen in his life. I assure you that every blog I write is something that I’ve truly experienced, and you won’t believe it, but it happened again Monday.

Tami and I had flown to be with my mom and dad last week because she had to have surgery to repair a bone she broke in a fall. We were scheduled to return on Monday, so it was off to the airport. We turned in our rental car, hopped on the bus to take us to our terminal, went inside and checked in our bag, received our tickets, and were walking away to go to security when I discovered that my laptop bag was gone. I turned around and ran up to the counter I’d just left, but it was not there. I went into a small panic because the bag held my laptop and iPad. I thought that I must have left it on the bus from the rental car company because that was the last time I remembered getting into it. The ticket counter area was in chaos with people everywhere trying to check their bags, but I just couldn’t imagine somebody picking it up if it was sitting by my feet.

So I stood outside where it was cold, windy, and snowing as I waited for the next bus. The driver was amazing and radioed all the other busses, assuring me that they’d find my bag. Nobody replied to his plea, so he encouraged me to ride back with him to check at the main office. I told Tami to go to the gate and I’d be back soon. After stopping at every terminal at O’Hare airport, we finally arrived back at the rental car office only to discover that nothing had been turned in. I had no idea where to look for my bag and now I was out of time and could miss my flight if I didn’t get to the gate. I took the next bus back to our terminal thinking I would check with the airline agent to see if it was turned in, but when we got back to the terminal that entire area had been shut down. I was out of time, so I went to the gate with the thought that I would never see those items again.

We flew home and got into bed around 1:00 Tuesday morning. I refused to worry about what had happened because my mom was doing great and we were home safe. I said a quick prayer and slept soundly. After getting ready Tuesday morning, I was going to call the airline and see if by chance they had my bag and, if not, file a report. When I opened my phone I noticed that I had a message. I went to my voicemail, and sure enough it was an airline representative saying they had my bag and needed an address for mailing. It was so refreshing and I thought of all the time I’d spent running around the airport when my bag was probably just a few feet from where Tami and I had been standing.

I didn’t plan to share that story because I share too many stories like that and many of you probably think I’m losing my mind, but then the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart. This week we are celebrating Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ who came to save a lost world. There are people today who are running all over trying to find the answers to life. They feel a sense of loss and loneliness and just want to fill the emptiness that is in their lives. And while they are running all over to find the answer, they don’t realize that the answer is right there with them. I encourage you to look around you and notice those who are looking for an answer. Tell them about Jesus and share your story.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Truth About Noah

A few weeks ago a new movie came out titled Noah. I don’t get out very often to see movies, but I decided that I wanted to see this depiction of a story I learned as a child in Sunday School. It had to be in my top 10 favorite stories to listen to because of the magnitude of the miracle that happened. So, I woke up early on my day off and headed to the theater.

After the movie ended I was disturbed by what I had just seen. I understand that the movie was not put together by a Christian organization, but I’ve heard over and over again that while some artistic interpretations were interjected into the movie, it stayed along the storyline presented in the Bible. To all of that I have to say, BALOGNA! I sat and watched a movie that took an amazing story of God’s love for one man and his family who remained righteous while the world was out of control and turned it into something that caused me to hurt for those who would be deceived by the lie it created. I’m not going to tell you the whole plot of the movie, but let me tell you the true story found in Genesis 6-7.

Noah was a man who was passionate in his faith to follow the guidance of God. When God decided that He was going to destroy every living, breathing thing on earth, He saw Noah. His love for Noah caused Him to want to protect Noah and his family. God spoke to Noah about His plan—His plan to destroy the earth with a flood—and how Noah was to build an ark to save his family and every other species of life. God specifically told Noah how to build the ark, the size, the wood to use, how to water proof it, etc. Noah and his sons were obedient to what the Lord commanded and built the ark. When Noah was 600 years old the flood waters came and, just as God had told Noah, every living creature not on the ark perished in the flood.

In the movie, the disastrous ending was that Noah had failed God’s mission because he was supposed to wipe out the human race and only the animals were to survive. This is not the truth of the story but many may be foolish enough to buy into the lie. Noah and his family were the ones God chose to protect because of Noah’s personal relationship with God. In life, just because something man creates looks amazing, with unbelievable graphics and animation, doesn’t mean it’s scriptural. Know what the Word of God teaches about events that have happened throughout the history of mankind. Be willing to take a stand to declare the truth so that others are not misled. In our lives we will be often be confronted with half-truths that may sound good, but they are not scriptural. Grow in your faith and knowledge of the Lord so you don’t fall prey to half-truths. If you haven’t seen the movie Noah, my advice is to save your money and do something better. If you have, read Genesis 6-7 and remember the true events that happened to Noah and his family.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Have You Ever Seen Chaos?

Last night I was walking through the chaos that we call a home and did not like it very much. I couldn’t turn on lights, get in drawers, or walk outside without seeing a big mess. Tami and I knew when we started down this path a few weeks ago that we’d have to deal with these type of situations to get to the prize at the end of the line. It’s not easy because I’m a clean/control freak in my house. I want things to be where they’re supposed to be and to have easy access to them. We have a great contractor who helped me find peace in the midst of chaos. I’ve known remodeling guys who just leave you hanging and offer no explanation of why they are doing what they are doing. This leads to frustration and high levels of stress that you shouldn’t have to carry. Our contractor was good at reminding us of the ultimate goal and what we’ll see if we stick to the course. Although there may be times we just want to say “Put it back!”, our faith in his abilities and design imagination keep us going down this path.

In the church, we often go through seasons of change. Change is not a bad thing, but if you are in prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit’s guidance then you may be the one changing. We serve a very creative God who can see the end design even though we can only see the next few days that lie ahead of us. God looks at that long-time believer who feels that anything beyond the norm in church is almost ungodly and shouldn’t be tolerated, while at the same time looking at that new young Christian who just got saved off the streets and doesn’t even understand the difference between communion and water baptism. This is the kind of church that I want to be a part of on a weekly basis: a church that preaches the truth of the gospel to a lost world. Those caught up in the rules and regulations need wisdom to bring balance because sitting next to them is some young believer who makes you smile because he or she has so much to learn.

You see, I’m called to not minimize the importance of showing love and respect to the Creator of all but instead to show all people that God loves them right where they are. Even if they don’t look the way I feel they should look, act the way I feel they should act, or talk the way I feel they should talk, I understand that just like me they are children of God saved by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. Yes, there have been many times I’ve left a church service chuckling inside at something a young believer has done, but that’s OK. There are many Sundays I left church with Tami chuckling at me and what I’ve worn. In her eyes, I have no designer flare and can dress pretty horribly. I’ve heard all my life that we are to love and accept people as they are, so my question is this: why do we feel we have to change them immediately after they get saved? Let them learn through sound teaching and doctrine, prayer, and the greatest source of change, the prompting of the Holy Spirit.