Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Celebrating Christmas

I’m sitting here today and still find myself amazed that Christmas is upon us. What an exciting time of year with the business of preparing for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. I have fond memories through the years of ways we’ve celebrated Christmas—children’s musicals, plays, communion, candlelight services, caroling, and many other ways. Every one of those ways may have been different, but they all had the same purpose: to rejoice, because the Son of God was born on Christmas morning to become our redeemer and Savior.

I would encourage each of us to find our own special way to celebrate the birth of Christ in the midst of all the things happening. Sit down and read the Christmas story from Luke 2. If you have children, take a few moments and talk with them about the true meaning of Christmas and how it impacts our lives on a daily basis. Don’t be politically correct and tell people “Happy Holidays,” but instead remind them that it is a celebration of our faith in Christ and wish them a “Merry Christmas.”

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I Know My Ham....

Last week was a wonderful time as we had the opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family and friends.  I was assigned a couple of tasks in preparation of the big day and I set out on Wednesday to accomplish those tasks.  One of them was to go to the store and get a ham—I mean, Thanksgiving without a ham is like watching a Rangers baseball game and not eating a hot dog.  So, I went to the store and found the section where the hams were located.  When I got to the hams I noticed that there were only two types available.  I know you are wondering if there’s a point to this, but here it is: they had types of ham available but they looked totally different.  The first was your typical spiral ham that was big, round, and had a bone in it.  Although this is a great ham, it takes a lot of room in the oven, and with a large turkey and all the other great sides it makes cooking everything difficult.  The other ham was deboned, so it was flat; the shape looked odd but it clearly said ‘ham’ on it and it would take up less space in an oven.  I bought it after much debate in my mind because if it says it’s a ham then I believe it’s a ham.

Here’s where the problem comes into play.  I took the ham home, and when the family saw it they were not happy with the choice of hams I’d made.  I heard about how my ham looked like bacon, it was ugly, and everything else from those who seemed to lose the spirit of Thanksgiving.  LOL!  I assured them that everything was going to be fine and I took over the preparation and cutting of the ham.

I’m so thankful that when Christ came to this earth He didn’t look at me and say that I just don’t look right.  He gave His very life that I might have life.  And this applies to everyone reading this blog.  Christ gave His very life because He saw the value in you and wants to have an eternal relationship with you.  If we’re not careful we can fall into the mindset that we don’t measure up, so how could God ever love us? But that’s the very reason Christ came: to seek and to save the lost, including those who don’t feel like they are worthy of being loved. 

The good news is that the ham not only turned out to be perfect but many of the family commented that it was the best ham they’d ever had.  In fact, it was so good that we even had another meal with the leftovers a few days later.  My plan was a success.  Likewise, once Christ became my Savior I learned that God has a plan for my life.  And that plan is a good plan where I can impact others in a positive way by showing them the love that God has for them.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Proclamation

Tomorrow, as a nation we will celebrate Thanksgiving.  This is my favorite national holiday because it is a time for us to stop and reflect on the goodness and blessings of God.  How sad to realize that our society has tried so hard to push God out of our lives and our history because it hasn’t always been like that.  There was a time when this nation understood the need to worship the Almighty God and seek His guidance and forgiveness.  That was evident from the first Thanksgiving proclamation given by our first president, George Washington, on October 3, 1789. 

To remind us of our heritage and remind us of those things we should be passing on to our children, I am posting that proclamation as my article this week. 

Thanksgiving Proclamation
Issued by President George Washington, at the request of Congress, on October 3, 1789

By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation.

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and—Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:”

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favor, able interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech Him to pardon our national and other trangressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Different Perspectives

Most mornings when I wake up my first task is to let the dogs go outside. When I opened the door to our back yard this morning I was hit by the cold air that had moved into the area overnight, and it served as a quick reminder of why I left the north. I don’t like the cold and can’t imagine the day when I’ll ever like it again. So, to me, this is a crummy weather day in Texas and I hear that tomorrow is going to be even colder. Yet, in the midst of my complaining about a cold day and wishing I could just wrap up inside a blanket, eat chili, warm cinnamon rolls, and watch some movies, I’m reminded of a family in our church that is so excited about today.

You see, today, around noon, they are going to the hospital to welcome their new baby into the world. Jason and Melinda are a wonderful young couple who love the Lord and have already been blessed with a wonderful son, Bubba (as they call him…LOL, gotta love the south), and now their family is going to grow by one more child. They aren’t thinking about the cold or the cloudy day, wishing they had a warm blanket and comfort food, instead they are rejoicing at the joy of God’s blessing and looking forward to many years of celebrating the love of a family with the new baby.

Isn’t it funny how life can be at times? What seems to one person to be a day of misery is for another family a day of celebrating the blessings and joys that God brings into our lives. You see, the only difference in the two scenarios is the outlook on that day. I feel like today is going to be a day of misery because I’m cold. Even sitting here typing I find myself wishing I had gloves on because my hands are cold, but those that know me know that my hands are always cold. And less than a mile away sits a family who could care less about the weather or anything else that is happening today because their lives are filled with anticipation of the bundle of love that will be in their arms in just a few hours.

God has never promised us that every day of our lives with Him would be filled with joy, laughter, and easy going. Instead, He has promised that He would always be there with us, during the good and the bad, during the joy and the tears, during the days when we are so cold we wish we could jump on a plane and head to Cancun as well as the days when we celebrate the life He has given us. I want you to know that I’m here when you’re having those bad days and just need someone to pray with you or offer a word of encouragement. At the same time, I’m here to celebrate the blessings of God that come your way. We are a family and families are meant to rejoice together and help each other in the tough times. What are you facing today? Remember that Tami and I pray for your family every week, and even though we are powerless to change things, we serve a God that does not know the word impossible. He can do whatever needs to be done for you today! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Don't Ignore Warning Lights

A few weeks ago I got into my car to head to the office and noticed that one of my warning lights had come on. It’s the light that tells you to check the tire pressure in your tires because one of them is low. As I found myself driving to work I didn’t notice anything unusual because the car seemed to handle the way it always does. My mind was telling me that the light is no big deal so just ignore it and when you get some free time you can deal with the low tire.

Those thoughts got me thinking about the day I had purchased the tires. With the car I drive the front tires are a different size from the rear tires so you can't rotate them to extend the life. The dealer told me that the most important thing I can do to extend the life of the tires is to make sure to keep the correct pressure in them. I knew that I didn’t want to delay checking the pressure because I want to get the full use of the tires before having to replace them. After going to the tire shop, I soon discovered that one of the tires was running low on air, and in a few minutes it was back to a normal pressure and I was on my way.

If I had ignored the problem I could have driven for months without ever noticing any difference in the way my car drove or looked. It still would have looked as nice as it does every day, but there would have been a problem that would occur because of my procrastinating what I knew needed to be done. In life, whether it be my family life, work life, or even my personal spiritual life, if a warning light is on and I keep ignoring it then a time will come when I have a major problem. Life does not fall apart in a day, but problems ignored can soon lead to bigger problems that will surface. God has created us in such a way that we know when a warning light comes on inside of us. I know when my family is just not right, my work life, my church life, and, yes, even my spiritual life. When those warning lights come on we need to do the hard thing and deal with the issue and get back on the right path. If we choose to ignore those warning lights we may not see the blow-out or the ruined tire for a while but the day will come when we will see it happen, and at that point it may be too far gone to repair. I believe that all things are possible with God, but I also know that God will not force me to do something I don’t want to do. I may want my tire to be back to normal after it’s ruined, but I can’t force it to go back. When the heart of a person turns away from what God desires and continues on that path long enough, it can get to the point of refusing to change and get back to where God wants us to be in Him. Don’t allow that to happen in your life. Instead, deal with those warning lights as soon as they come on and watch how you will prosper spiritually and in all areas of life! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New Experiences

New experiences—that’s one of the fun things about life. I remember the first time I traveled to Colorado to see the Rocky Mountains and the first time I went to see the ocean. There are some very special firsts in my life, and then, as with all of us, there are those firsts that I didn’t enjoy so much. The first time I went on a simulation ride I got so nauseous that I broke into a cold sweat praying I would make it to the end. Or there was the time I was pulled over to receive my first speeding ticket. I was in another state and a young college kid. They wouldn’t let me leave until I paid my bill, and I had very little cash…what a mess.

Now Tami and I get to share the joy of experiencing firsts with our granddaughter Brynley. Last weekend we went with Brynley to a pumpkin patch in our area. They had it all: petting zoo, barrel-pulled tractor ride, hay maze, and many other activities. To see the joy in her eyes was such an amazing experience. Those firsts—feeding the cows and goats, walking through pumpkins, her first ride in a barrel—made every moment precious and will always bring a smile to my face.

In the same light I get to see God do some amazing things in people’s lives, such as first-time experiences that bring a smile to their faces and joy into their lives. The first time someone experiences the true joy of knowing that their sins are forgiven. Understanding how awesome the love of God is and that it’s there for them. Experiencing the joy of worshiping the only one worthy of our worship. Discovering new spiritual truths that help them grow stronger in their faith. Each and every one of these events is special, and I’m so blessed that I can see them happen in many lives. I know that we all have people in our lives who question the reality of the God we serve and may even try to discourage us from following Him, but once you personally experience His presence in your life there is no way you can deny it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I'm Still Learning

Have you ever had one of those days where God teaches you a lesson when you’re not even looking? Well, I had one of those moments recently, and those moments are so special because they are a reminder of how blessed I am. I woke up that morning expecting it to be another normal day—you know, the kind where you get up, get ready, go to work, go to the gym, come home and eat dinner, and then relax until bedtime. In the midst of my normal day God brought across my path a situation that opened my eyes to the realities of those who surround me every day.

It’s funny how God brings along this type of day when you are in the midst of worrying about things you have no control over. These are the days when you try everything possible to gain control, which only leads to stress. Worse, it causes you to forget how great the God we serve is and to lose sight of why we are here. We are here to bless others with the love of Christ that lives inside of us. I’m not going to share the details of what happened because to me that is not important, but instead I’m going to share what God taught me that day.

First, don’t judge others based on what you think they should be. There are times in my life—not very often, but it happens—when I am quick to judge somebody else because I feel like they should be doing or progressing more than they are in their walk with God. This is unfair because God did not appoint me to be the judge of anybody but myself. Second, I don’t know why God made all of us so different, but he did. What is simple and takes no effort on my part may be very difficult for someone else to accomplish. Don’t judge others based off of your skills and abilities but instead try to understand where they are coming from. Tami will often call me when she is driving someplace and needs my help to get there. I know she’s been there before, so I want to ask: why is it so hard? That is the wrong attitude and leads to frustration and stress. Instead, I need to understand that God created Tami the way she is (directionally challenged), and I need to accept this and help bring peace to her life, not make it worse. Last of all, God will take each of us with our weaknesses and help us grow through them if we step out in faith. There are a lot of things in life that I’m not very good at, but that is not the issue. The issue is: what am I going to do to get better in those areas? Now, for many of them I have no desire to get better because they don’t really serve a purpose in the life God is calling me to live. But there are also those areas where God is wanting me to grow, and I need to face the challenges and become stronger in those areas of my life.

God has an amazing plan for your life and for your family. That plan will only be achieved when you understand that you have to face your limitations and insecurities and trust that by faith God will help you become strong in your weaknesses. Paul spoke about this in 2 Corinthians 12:9 where it says, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Another Chance To Be A Blessing in Mexico

I am excited as I sit in a hotel room in El Paso, Texas.  Tomorrow morning we go into Juarez for our annual home building week.  Throughout the day today I’ve found myself reflecting over the past seven years and the trips we’ve taken each year.  When we began back in 2007, we had a team of seven that built a home for a young couple with two small children.  I laugh now because none of us had any real experience at building a home, but with the help of our Casas team leader we not only built a great home but it’s still looking great seven years later. Little did we know how that first trip would lead to where this outreach is today.

With every year we found new men being drawn to our Juarez outreach and the trip increasing the love that we felt for each other.  But something else began changing during the second trip; it was no longer about the building of a home, but now we felt a bond to the communities where we were working.  A group of men felt compelled to make a Christmas run to take clothes, blankets, coats, and toys to give to the families of that community.  A 15-foot passenger van was packed from floor to ceiling with gifts to our Juarez family.  While driving to Juarez, the team received a call informing them of an orphanage in Anapra, Mexico with children who would not have a Christmas unless God provided a miracle.  Well, God did provide the miracle because not only were there plenty of donations for the original building, but the children at the orphanage in Anapra also had a wonderful Christmas.

The third build led to community outreaches where the men would do a cookout and offer candy and gifts for the families.  I remember that guys couldn’t wait for the day’s work to get done so we could start having fun with the families in the area.  Guys played soccer and baseball, wrestled with the kids, and offered smiles and a hand of friendship to the adults.  Even though most of us couldn’t speak any Spanish, we were building a special bond with these families.

It was on the fourth trip that the team leaders decided that we felt a strong pull to Anapra and were going to focus our ministry efforts on families in that city along with the orphanage there.  Every year since that decision was made, we have successfully built a home, had at least two community outreaches, made Christmas trips with gifts and clothes, and now make sure food is provided monthly for the children.  Every year the trip has taken place, and this year is the biggest ever with 25 men helping us.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Making the Most of Every Day

It’s amazing how we can get caught up worrying about the little obstacles that come along and forget how thankful we should be that we have so many amazing people in our lives. The second thought is that the clock of life doesn’t stop, so we should make the most of every moment. Too often I see people who live life worrying about things that they can’t control or wishing they had the life of someone else because they think it’d bring them happiness. And while these things are occupying their thoughts, life keeps ticking away. Don’t get caught in this cycle of deception but instead learn to enjoy the life God has blessed you with and make the most of every opportunity. I look at my life, and it’s amazing how quickly the years have gone by. I feel like I’ve only been married for a short time, but I have grown children, a son-in-law, and a beautiful granddaughter. As much as I wish I could slow down the clock of life, I know that I can’t, so I’m determined to make every day count.

How do you make every day count? Wake up and thank the Lord for a new day and new chances to glorify Him. Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability because you are doing it unto the Lord. Find somebody that you can encourage and bless by showing the love of Christ. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Special Moments

On Monday evening Tami and I were able to attend the Texas Rangers game against the Houston Astros. Earlier in the day I was not really excited about going to the game because I had been out for some work event every night for the previous week. I remember telling Tami that I just wanted to go home and curl up in my recliner and do nothing. Our six-year-old nephew, Jackson, and his dad were going to the game with us, though, so I knew once we got ourselves going it would be a fun evening. Jackson loves baseball and I could see the excitement in his eyes as we were getting ready to leave.

The Rangers played an amazing game and ended up winning 12-0 with Derek Holland pitching a complete game shut-out. As fun as it was to see that part of the game, the real highlight came from the Rangers’ Alex Rios. He plays right field for the Rangers, and last night he did something that only two other players have done this year in baseball. There have been 2,340 games played this year, and only three players have accomplished this great feat. Alex Rios hit for the cycle, which means that he hit a single, double, triple, and home run in the same game. So if I had backed out of going to the game that day I would have missed out on seeing something that very rarely happens in baseball.

That got me thinking about going to church. There are mornings that people wake up and they are tired because of a long week and they know how hectic the coming week is going to be. It’s not that they don’t want to be in church, but they are fighting fatigue and the busyness of life. Let me encourage you today by the lesson I learned while sitting at the baseball game. Once I got there I had a great time and enjoyed every minute of it. I was able to see a little boy who had the greatest night because he watched the Rangers win. In fact, not only did they win, but they won big. I had the opportunity for some quality friendship time, which always brings a smile to my face, and last of all I saw a feat that I’ve never seen in person at a baseball game before.

Remember these things the next time you are struggling with going to church because of everything happening in life. You are going to worship the God who loves you and has a plan for your life. You are going to be with people who love you and want to encourage you in your spiritual journey. You are going to hear the Word preached in a way that will challenge and inspire you to keep pressing on. And you will see God do things in the lives of people that only He can do.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Looking for Love

The Bible teaches us in I John 4:8 that we are to show love to those we come into contact with on a daily basis. In fact, it says that if we don’t show love, then we can’t know who God is because God is love. I’m blessed in my life because I see that verse displayed on a daily basis. I never cease to be amazed by the outpouring of love I see from people around me through actions, words, emails, and many other ways. They serve as a constant reminder of how I am to respond to others because Christ is my Savior. 

We have three dogs, and each of these dogs has its own way of showing that it loves you. Duke will just come and lay on my lap when I’m sitting down and relaxing at the end of the day. He is content to just lay there because he wants to be with me. Lilly is the one you find ready to play if you show any inkling that you want some activity. She will chase down anything you throw, get in the pool, or just follow you wherever you go inside the house. Tula is the funny one because she gets in bed and wants to have contact while sleeping. I’m not into that contact stuff because it gets too hot, but if you move to get her off of you she will readjust to get close to you again. I’m really blessed because she likes that contact with Tami much more than with me! All three of these dogs love us and are so excited just to have us around. It doesn’t matter if we’ve had a rough day, if we forgot to put food in their bowls before going to work, or even if we scolded them for doing something they shouldn’t have done. The moment we call them or show an interest in them, they are right there by our sides because they want us to love on them.

That’s how we as the church are to react to each other and to the world. We should ask ourselves: What can I do today to show God’s love? That’s what we’re commanded to do as a part of His family. Who are the people that I can offer to help, send an encouraging word, or maybe forgive because they’ve hurt me? This is not the easy way; if we did it the easy way, we would walk away from relationships or look for ways to hurt those who have hurt us. Let’s not follow the way we’d do it, but let’s follow the pattern set by Christ.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How Could I Not Remember?

Last month, Tami and I went to spend a few days with family in Arizona. One afternoon, while we were outside in the pool enjoying the 108-degree day, I was eating a snack and felt a part of a tooth chip off. I was surprised and started getting depressed thinking that this must be what happens as a person gets older. You’re having a good time laughing and eating a snack one minute, then a part of your tooth chips off the next. I told Tami what had happened and started worrying about eating. The good news is that I didn’t stop eating but enjoyed every meal and snack I ate while gone, but I knew that I needed to get to the dentist as soon as we returned home to get the problem fixed.

Last week I went to the dentist to go through the normal cleaning and find out about my chipped tooth. As the dental hygienist was putting on my bib, one of the more humiliating things about going to the dentist, I explained to her about my tooth that had a chip in it. She began looking at my records and noticed that I’d had a problem back in 2008 with the same thing happening. I was shocked because I didn’t remember that event, but she assured me it was right there in my records. In fact, she said it was tooth number 24, and when she asked me to point to the tooth, sure enough—it was the same tooth. She told me that it had been chipped and they filled it so this was nothing new. I sat in that chair during the rest of my appointment trying to remember the day I had a chip on that tooth repaired at the dentist office, and here I sit a week later with no recollection of that event ever happening in my life.

Thinking about that incident it felt like the Holy Spirit was trying to teach me a lesson about God’s forgiveness. So often we can get caught in the trap of letting past failures or sins hinder us from moving on with God. We become fearful that God will bring up the sin again as a reminder that He has something on us if we don’t walk the line. Yet, the Bible promises us that when God forgives us of our sins and failures, they are totally gone from His memory. I don’t know about you, but that’s hard for me to imagine because I remember a lot of my sins and failures. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and assured me that just as I couldn’t remember ever chipping and having that tooth filled five years ago, God doesn’t remember any past sins or failures even from yesterday if I live under the forgiving power of Jesus Christ. We are reassured of this by the promise that, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9). 

Don’t allow your past to dictate what God wants to do with your life in the future. Just as I couldn’t remember a chipped tooth, we all need to remember that when God forgives, He forgets. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I've Got a Strong Right Arm!

As you know I try to work out at least three days a week to keep myself in decent shape. Mondays are my least favorite day to work out because I have my kick boxing class these days, which is the class where I’m pushed the hardest to perform. Not that I don’t enjoy kick boxing, but it hurts my shin every time I kick the bag… (I’m a wimp!). So I went to class on Monday and found myself feeling a little relieved when we had a fill-in instructor. I knew the class would push me but it wouldn’t be like most Mondays where I count the minutes to completion. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy the normal instructor, but I was ready for an easier workout because it had been such a busy day.

The class began and it was your typical warm up. Running, frog jumps, push-ups, burpees (no, it has nothing to do with belching…lol), lunges, and the list goes on. After the warm up we have 30 minutes of boxing and kick boxing routines. Things were progressing normally with the class doing the routines when I noticed that the instructor had put on boxing mitts and was going around having everyone in the class hit the mitts for a period of time. This is probably my favorite part of boxing class! I was at the end so it would be a long time before he got to me, but it gave me something to look forward to. When he finally arrived to me I remember setting up and telling myself to hit them hard. One of the sounds I love to hear is the pop of the mitt when you hit it square and hard! As I was hitting, the pops were getting louder, and it made me want to hit them even harder. When he was doing my 10 second count down I increased my drive with every punch. When I finished he complimented me and said I had a really strong right hand. I felt so good to hear those words of encouragement and warn you readers to watch my right! (Ha ha.) As class was wrapping up he made his way over to me and again complimented me and said that it felt like I was going to break his hand. I just laughed and thanked him for the compliment and walked out feeling like Mohammad Ali. I know I would be taken apart if I ever got into the boxing ring with a real boxer, but that instructor created an excitement in me that has me counting down the minutes until my next workout.

I love how Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote words that excited and encouraged the church. He offered them words that created excitement in going out into the world and making a difference in the life of someone. He also encouraged them to encourage each other. Who is that person that you can encourage in life today? What simple words will give someone the drive to say, “I’m ready to face today’s challenges because someone spoke words of life into me.” Never forget Paul’s encouraging words to the church found in I Thessalonians 5: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Don't Just Look Outside

Tami and I decided that we needed a short vacation after she finished a long business trip, and if there’s one thing you can guarantee, it’s that the Bullards always have stories when vacation ends. Well, this vacation does not disappoint. On our way to our final destination, Phoenix, we decided to take a quick side trip to a place we’d never been before. We both enjoy sightseeing and discovering new areas that could lead to a longer stay in the future.

Having never been to this area, I went to the best place I know of to book a hotel room: the internet. In doing my search I ended up choosing a hotel that has a very recognizable name but is not your mega expensive hotel. It had a three-star rating and I figured that we’d only be in the room to sleep and change clothes between activities, so that would be plenty nice. Upon arriving at the hotel I can say that I was pleased with the outside appearance and even walking into the lobby I felt like I had made the right choice. Unfortunately, that’s as far as the feeling of satisfaction was going to go. When we got on the elevator, I became concerned because I could tell the staff had not spent a lot of time keeping it clean. Then walking down the hall I could see wrappers, trash, and a carpet that looked like it hadn’t been vacuumed in days. With my anxiety quickly rising I reached our room and things were not looking any better. I opened the door and my heart sank. I turned to Tami and told her that I’d messed up. Our room was a mess. Carpet with crumbs all over it, disgusting stains, dirty sheets on the bed, walls that looked like they hosted in-room dodge ball tournaments, and to cap it all off we tried to look out the window but it was so dirty that it apparently hadn’t been washed in years. I’ve been in a lot of rooms in my day, including several in third world countries, and this was by far the worst room I had ever entered. I quickly called the front desk to inform them that we could not stay at this hotel. I’ll have to continue my story next week, but let me share with you lessons learned up to this point.

Just because the hotel carried a name that was very recognizable didn’t mean that the hotel was going to be clean. Similarly, just because I was raised in a family that has the reputation of following after Christ doesn’t mean that my life is in order with Christ. The hotel management was responsible for holding the hotel to a high standard just like it’s my decision to live my life in a way that is pleasing to Christ. I can’t be afraid to make the changes to keep my life fresh and on the path God has designed for me. Left unattended, my life will eventually become a spiritual mess. Just as I made the choice not to stay one minute longer in that hotel than I had to, I can also make the choice that I won’t allow my life to go down paths that would hinder my walk with Christ.

What did we do next???  When I called the front desk, I was told our room was guaranteed and no refunds could be given even though we were unhappy with the cleanliness and upkeep of the room. I thought it best to go to the source I used to book the room, so I called and was thrilled to discover that I would have a 45-minute wait for a representative. After a few minutes Tami and I decided that I would keep the call going while we went to a nearby restaurant for dinner. On the elevator ride down I lost the call….ugh! When I called back the wait time had increased to 55 minutes. No big deal, we’d put the phone on speaker and just wait for someone to come on. Finally we heard a voice and I was able to voice my complaint and ask how I could get out of the hotel. I was informed that only the hotel could release me from the room so I’d have to talk to them. After a few minutes of debating I knew I was getting nowhere, so I called the hotel back and asked to speak with a manager. This game of phone ping pong went on for the next two hours and I was still no closer to getting a refund than I was when I began calling. We did check out and moved to another hotel, sure that the money was lost. 

The next morning, I again called the third party and I got hold of someone who actually knew what they were doing. They went through my file and were frustrated to find no notes of my previous calls even though it showed I’d called. They assured me that I was not required to stay in a hotel that was unclean. It took about an hour, but in the end I was assured that I would receive a full refund by the end of the day. So, after about 4 ½ hours of being on the phone it looked like things were going to work out. And sure enough, later that afternoon I received an email verifying that the full refund was being returned to our account. 

So, what did this experience teach me? First, let Tami book the rooms…lol (just kidding). I believe I had done my research and even the reviews painted the hotel out to be a nice place, so I don’t think I could have done anything different there. What I did learn is that when something is wrong I need to stay calm so that Tami feels assured that everything is going to be fine. I learned that nothing that happens is worth losing my joy and testimony. This was the first night of our vacation, and I determined that whatever happened was not going to ruin my vacation. I believe I treated every person I spoke with respectfully, and even though I disagreed with things they were saying, I discussed those issues in a calm, business-like way. Sitting on the phone was very frustrating and it would have been easy to take it out on the person who answered my call, but that would only make me look like a jerk and cause them to not want to be as helpful. Last of all, stay the course and don’t give up. A couple of times I felt like saying, “Forget it, let’s just lose the money because this is such a hassle,” but I didn’t because I knew we were right. I stayed the course and finally got hold of the right person who knew exactly what needed to be done. Tell me this isn’t the life we live daily in a world of sin. The good news is that Christ has come to set us free from the bondage of having to respond like the world, and we can respond in a new way that brings peace to us and lets our light shine to those we meet. Keep trusting the Lord no matter the circumstances and watch how he will use those circumstances to create growth in your life and impact others for His glory at the same time.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Don't Just Build Sand Castles

In I Thessalonians 5:11 the Bible says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” As we find our summer coming to an end I’m getting really excited about the things that God has in store for ALC in the months to come. As we move forward, I challenge you to remember that we are instructed to encourage and build each other up. One of my favorite places to go, in case you didn’t know, is the beach. I love listening to the water, watching people, and just relaxing. When people-watching you will always find a few who are building things out of the sand. I’ve seen sand castles, forts, a person…whatever you imagine. If a person is talented enough, then it can be built. Just as you have those who love to create works of art in the sand, you have that person that’s sitting on the sidelines just waiting for the right moment to plow through and destroy what’s been created. I’ve seen children in tears because a brother (more often than not) destroyed the masterpiece that was just created.

Paul teaches the church the importance of encouraging one another in our journey with Christ. I can’t tell you how many times I have had somebody offer an encouraging word or a testimony of what God is doing and it builds my faith and encourages me to want to do more for Christ. I want to encourage you to share what God is teaching you with others and offer them words of encouragement. If someone has done something to bless you, then encourage them to keep doing what they are doing. If you know of someone that is going through a tough time, we need to build them up and encourage them so they will know that they are not on this journey alone. Too often, our human nature wants us to look for the bad in others or in circumstances, like the one who wants to destroy that sand castle. Don’t be that type of person but instead let everything you do fulfill what Paul was teaching.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Maintaining the Lawn

When Tami and I returned from our trip to South Bend a little over a week ago we were greeted by two days of rain here in the Dallas area. It’s such a rare thing to find it raining in Texas during the summer months. I was thankful for the rain, but the problem I faced was a lawn that hadn’t been cut in over a week. It rained Sunday, Monday, and even on and off on Tuesday. My schedule didn’t allow me the opportunity to get out on Wednesday or Thursday to mow, so when Friday came I knew I had no choice. The good news is the lawn looks great—because of the heat and rain it is in the best shape I’ve seen this far into summer. The bad news is the lawn looks great—because of perfect growing conditions it is exploding with healthy growth. A project that normally would take less than an hour turned into a three-hour project because the grass had grown so much.

Have you ever realized the importance of the daily maintenance of your spiritual life? While it may not seem like a lot because you’re only spending a few minutes in the Bible, or just a short time in prayer, those moments are required to keep your spiritual life vibrant and alive. What I’ve discovered is the world is constantly telling me to live a life that doesn’t line up with the values I desire for my life. I hear every possible reason why I should be able to do whatever I want as long as I’m not hurting anyone else, but that just doesn’t work if I’m going to be complete in Christ. My life, left unattended, will see out of control growth that requires a lot of hard work to get back in balance. I’m thankful today because my yard is back in balance and looking good. I’m also thankful that because of the time I spent in prayer and Bible study my spiritual life is in balance with God’s plan for me. That doesn’t mean an unwanted weed will never pop up or some other issue will never appear, but they are easily removed or corrected because the rest of my life is in order.

We are all in this together and I encourage you to take the time to allow your life to be cultivated daily by the Holy Spirit. Not only will you be blessed but so will everyone who comes across your path. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Steps to Spiritual Growth...Baby Style

One of the biggest things I’ve discovered is that people can get discouraged and even want to give up in growing spiritually because they feel like all they do is fail. I was thrilled by the testimony of a young woman who shared with me this last week. She shared how over the past few weeks she has felt more spiritually alive in Christ than ever before. She was glowing with the presence of God in her life and expressing how she had such a hunger to learn so much more. She told me that for the first time she truly felt a relationship with God, which she had never experienced, and she wished everyone could experience the same thing. I was amazed as I sat listening to her share and wondered why so many in the family of God never experience this or the other things that God has planned for their lives. Then I was reminded of what is happening in our family right now.

As you know, we have a beautiful 8-month-old granddaughter who brings joy to our lives every day. Brynley is at the stage of her life where she is ready to crawl. She wants to move forward, but just as any child struggles in figuring it out, she will rock back and forth over and over again. If she’d only realize that picking up one of her hands and moving it forward could be followed up by her other arm and legs. The interesting thing is that soon she will be crawling, and then she’ll be banging her head into something and it will hurt. Or maybe she’ll crawl on a rough surface and scratch up her knees, or here in Texas the surface may be too hot and it’ll burn. As wonderful and painful as some of these experiences may be, they are all part of the development of a baby into a child. Not long after the crawling will be the walking, and is there anything more fearful than watching a child that’s learning to walk? They’re all over the place and so unbalanced, but with time, just as learning to crawl will come, so will walking without looking so unbalanced.

Learning to “Walk in the Spirit” on a daily basis can be so much like the experiences happening in Brynley’s life right now. I have those days when I know what I want to be in God and what I desire to have Him do in my life, but I’m just rocking back and forth because it’s so hard to pick up my hand in faith and move it forward. At times my hand doesn’t come up because I don’t get it yet, but then there are the times when I’m just afraid to release my stability and trust God.

One last thing that I’ve learned: just because I strive to walk daily under the anointing of God doesn’t mean that I don’t make mistakes. I often mess things up and have to regroup and get back to where God wants me to be. God’s not looking for perfection from your life but rather a person hungry and obedient who desires to be everything God has created him or her to be.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Independence Day

Tomorrow, we will be celebrating the birthday of our wonderful nation, and every year it is a celebration of the freedom that our founding fathers imagined for an upstart country. As I reflect upon their wisdom and knowledge that led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence, I can’t help but be drawn to what is declared in the last paragraph. It says: “We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States.... And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” Those who founded this country understood that there was a Supreme Judge of the world who would judge them for their actions. Everything they did was with the understanding that God was watching and they would someday give an account for what they were doing.

I love this great country and feel blessed to have been born an American citizen. I also understand that I will give an account for how I have lived my life. That is why I need to weigh every choice and decision I make knowing that I will be held accountable for those actions. When I was a young boy, I had in my life supreme authority. Yes, my mom and dad were that supreme authority, and I knew that my actions would be weighed and I would either be blessed for the choices I’d made or reap the punishment of those choices. I really liked the blessings but also came to understand that the punishment was not to harm me but to get my attention. It would point me back to the direction our family was going and I’d better stay in line with that direction. Thank goodness the punishments didn’t come along very often, but I am the man that was formed during those years of having parents who judged my actions.

As much as I love this great country, my heart grieves when I see those who have gotten away from what our founders intended for us to be. God is now a nuisance and people feel that as long as they are not hurting anyone else they should be permitted to do whatever pleases them. This is the kind of thinking that has led to the breakdown of the family, the killing of innocent children, and the idea that I shouldn’t have to work hard or be held accountable for what I am doing. What we need is a good dosage of God…through prayer, getting into the Bible, and worship we will see our hearts and attitudes change. Take a few moments and pray for our country today!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Working Out....when to do it and when to take a break

This morning, while Tami and I were getting ready for work, she asked me if I thought she could start working out again. For those that have not heard we were involved in a terrible car accident a little over a week ago and our SUV rolled over. Thank the Lord that none of us were seriously injured, but we had sore backs and necks along with a few other minor things. Tami knew that I had started back with my workouts on a limited basis and was ready to get back to the gym. I told her that your body will tell you when it’s ready. She was a little confused by my statement, so I had to explain my answer to her. I told her that you will probably be sore when working out, but if you start and your body really hurts then it’s telling you that now is not the time to do this. She thought about it for a minute and said, “My body is telling me it’s not ready yet!” LOL. So, I told her that she should wait another week and see how she is feeling!

As I was thinking about our conversation this morning, I couldn’t help but think about my spiritual journey and the things I go through. Most of my life has been an easy walk with the Lord where everybody likes me (who doesn’t?), everybody treats me with respect, and they pray for me and support me. During those times it just seems like everything falls into place and it’s so easy to be faithful and serve the Lord with all that I am.

Then there have been the times when a crisis has hit me. The loss of a job, death of a family member or close friend, unexpected debt, or maybe a health issue. These are the times that will test my spiritual fitness and strength. During the initial process it’s so hard to be upbeat, be in the Bible, pray, and maybe even go to church. Yet, unlike my physical body, which tells me to stop because I could do further damage, I need to understand that all of these things are a necessary part of my spiritual healing. Is it easy to do them? Of course not. But these are the systems that God has set in place for my own spiritual wellness. On Tuesday, when I went to the gym for the first time, I did my normal workout and was fine until the last 15 minutes. This is when I do my ab work and my back immediately said, “Stop!” I didn’t do my ab workout because I knew I could injure myself and then it could be months before I’m ready to work out. In the same way, when I hurt spiritually, I know that to neglect being in the Bible, praying, and going to church will only lengthen the time of my healing. It may not be easy and it works totally opposite of how I treat my physical body, but that is the way to find the peace that God has for you.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Enjoying Gifts....

There are a few times throughout the year when I receive gifts from family and friends. I always get excited as those times approach because I like gifts! I could go through the list of favorites but don’t want to bore you with the details. Gifts are usually something that brings value to my life, and by using it I might look better, smell better, or have an easier time with some of life’s tasks. Then there are the gifts that are just for fun. They don’t make me look better, make me smell better, or help me accomplish tasks easier; they are just for my entertainment. I can truly say that I love every type of gift.

God is a God who loves to give gifts. The ultimate gift was allowing His Son to die on the cross so we could have the gift of eternal life. That in and of itself is more than I could ever imagine receiving from God, but he didn’t stop with just that gift. When Jesus returned to heaven after his resurrection, the Holy Spirit was sent to give us power through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2 we see the day of Pentecost, when the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are made available to us, the church. We need to understand that the Gifts of the Spirit are just that—a gift that I don’t have to do anything to receive. The Gifts of the Spirit are given to believers so that they can operate under the anointing and power of God. I believe it is God’s desire for every believer to live daily under the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit, but God will never force us to do it. Just as no one can force me to accept a gift, we need to understand that God will never force us to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. My question is: why would you not want to receive everything God has given for your benefit?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Father's Who Make a Difference

I was blessed to have a dad who displayed his love in many ways. He worked several jobs to provide for our family and allow us as kids growing up to have our mom at home with us every day. In the midst of working all those jobs, he still had time to be home most evenings to sit down with us for family dinner, and he umpired at our little league park where we spent many an evening playing baseball. He taught us the importance of being in church by always making sure his family was at services and Sunday School each week. In fact, there were several years when he was my teacher, and I always enjoyed playing Bible Baseball and other fun games to learn the Bible.

My dad has a way of making us all laugh, even though he’s not as funny as he thinks he is. As kids, we grew up singing a song that he wrote, or tells us he wrote, and we would laugh all the time singing it. And I guess that he must have written it, because I’ve never heard it sung in any church on a Sunday morning. Guess no one ever taught him to copyright and publish his work. My dad taught me the importance of loving God and treating others with love and respect by serving any way necessary to advance the gospel message.

When I think about my life as a dad, I’m baffled by a God who would bless me with two amazingly wonderful children. And now that family has grown to include an unbelievable son-in-law along with a beautiful granddaughter. My desire is to be the same type of leader of my family that my dad was for our family. He did it the same way that his father taught him to lead his family when he was younger. And now I want to teach my son and son-in-law to do it the same way that was passed on to me. What the world needs today is for more men to stand up and be the dad God intends for them to be, leading their families closer to God and being servants showing God’s love to the world around them. Men who can bring joy and laughter to their families as well as create a life-long heritage that will pass from generation to generation. I was blessed to have that in my life and have a great example that I can pass on. If you were not blessed to have the heritage I had, you can create your own heritage. Rise up, dads, and show your family how to serve the Lord.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

First Experiences

One of the fun things about life is first time experiences. We’ve all had them, and some bring a big smile to our faces while others make us cringe inside. Well, as new grandparents we are experiencing the joy of watching Brynley experience new things in her young life. This past weekend, when Tami and I got home after attending an open house, we were pleased to see Krystal, Justin, and Brynley enjoying our back yard. They thought it would be a fun day for Brynley to experience our pool for the first time. As they lowered her feet into the pool she began crying because it was a new experience she was not enjoying. I was in total agreement with Brynley because the water was way too cold for swimming. Unless it’s at mild bath tub temperature, it’s just too cold.

I knew what would do the trick and turned on the spa and heated the water to a refreshing 92 degrees. Once the water was at optimal temperature, Krystal took Brynley into the warm water and she had a blast—splashing, smiling, talking, and trying to get her mouth onto the fountain pipe. What a great first time experience. So in the span of an hour, Brynley had one first time experience that brought tears while the other brought a nice big smile.

That’s what life is for each of us. We all have experiences that bring us great joy, while we wish other experiences would just go away. As a part of our spiritual journey, the Lord will bring experiences into our lives that help us develop our faith. Some of those experiences will bring us to the place of saying, “I don’t like this!” Other experiences will bring a smile to our faces because they are so special. Both are needed in our development as believers, so don’t be fearful of first time experiences but instead be open-minded and ask the Lord: What are you wanting to teach me through this? I know I have so many things to learn, and I’m excited about first time experiences that are coming my way.