Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Church - My Other Family

I’m so thankful for people that God has brought into our lives over the years.  Looking back, two families from the past stand out to me.  The first family was there when Tami and I were in our early years of pastoring.  We didn’t know very many people in the little town we pastored in, but they accepted us as their family.  About a year after arriving, our son, who was less than a year old at the time, ended up in the hospital for a week.  This family came to us and said they’d take care of our daughter as long as necessary so we could be with Caleb at the hospital.  Their sacrifice opened the door for us to spend the time we needed with our son during his recovery.  Family—that’s what it’s all about, looking beyond ourselves and doing what we can to help other family members during tough times.
The other family was just as special to us.  Living away from our physical families, our kids did not have grandparents nearby.  This family, who had grown kids and several grandchildren, told our kids that they could call them Grandma and Grandpa.  They treated our kids as special as they treated their own grandchildren.  We went on picnics with them, to the lake with them, celebrated holidays at their house… they were our family.  And the amazing thing is their children did not mind at all but welcomed us with open arms.  To this day we stay in touch because they made such an impact on us. 
These families are perfect examples of the family of God, and that is what God wants each one of us to experience.  Look for the family that you can touch in a personal way, because as a part of God’s family they will always, for eternity, be a part of your life!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Family is Special

Family… what is it that makes the family so special?  I know that my family will always love me.  I know that my family will support and pray for me.  I know that my family will never leave me.  These characteristics that describe our families should also apply to my spiritual family.  I know that my church family will always love me.  I know that they will support and pray for me.  And I also know that through Christ my spiritual family will never leave me.  I hope that we are all blessed to have wonderful families here on Earth, but I can guarantee that everything above is true about my spiritual family.  I know that at times we may not feel those things, but the true church of Jesus Christ practices each one of them.  

Serve the Lord to the best of your ability and look at families that are doing it right, and be positive.  I know we see the flaws, but God has a plan for your family and you are on a journey to become the family God designed you to be.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Growing My Faith at ALC

I woke up this morning and looked outside, surprised because it was snowing.  I really enjoy looking at fresh white snow as it covers the ground and trees.  It brings back fond memories of  growing up and playing in the snow.  After getting ready, it was time to drive to the church, and then I was reminded of the mess that snow can make—a normal commute more than doubled in time because of drivers not knowing how to drive on snow.  What is simple to me, because I grew up driving on it, is a hindrance to so many because they’re inexperienced.  As I was sitting in traffic, I found myself thinking about that in the spiritual realm.  What is so easy for me, because I have served the Lord for so many years, may be difficult for those who are young in their relationship with Christ.  That’s why I need to be patient, be a mentor, and make sure that I’m doing everything I can to help them grow in their faith.  

Here are some ways to help keep our faith in God strong:

1.      Walk daily in the Word of God

2.      Keep praise and worship as a part of your 

3.      Have a consistent prayer life

4.      Live daily under the anointing of the Holy Spirit

5.      Look for opportunities to minister to people

6.      Build relationships with other believers

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Are You Growing Your Faith

On Monday evening, I had the opportunity to sit down with several friends with the anticipation of watching Notre Dame win a National Championship for the first time in 25 years.  It didn’t take long before those hopes began to fade as Alabama proved the more impressive team on the field.  Those watching the game with me had no vested interest in either team; they were there for the enjoyment of watching me celebrate or groan in agony at what was happening.  The good news is that rather than rub it in, they took pity and tried to encourage me. We all need encouragement from time to time.

Our lives should be all about ...Faith, Family, and our Future. I want to share with you six  ways to know if you are growing in your faith.  

1.       If you are growing in your faith, you will not be arrogant

2.       If you are growing in your faith, Christ becomes more precious in your life each day

3.       If you are growing in your faith, you will desire to be more like Christ and more aware of how little you really are

4.       If you are growing in your faith, the promises found in God’s Word bring comfort to your heart

5.       If you are growing in your faith, you will love your church family

6.       If you are growing in your faith, your involvement in ministry will increase

I understand that there are many other measurements that could have been shared, but this is a good starting place for each of us.  So, how do you measure up?  Can you say that you are growing in your faith?