Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Enjoying Gifts....

There are a few times throughout the year when I receive gifts from family and friends. I always get excited as those times approach because I like gifts! I could go through the list of favorites but don’t want to bore you with the details. Gifts are usually something that brings value to my life, and by using it I might look better, smell better, or have an easier time with some of life’s tasks. Then there are the gifts that are just for fun. They don’t make me look better, make me smell better, or help me accomplish tasks easier; they are just for my entertainment. I can truly say that I love every type of gift.

God is a God who loves to give gifts. The ultimate gift was allowing His Son to die on the cross so we could have the gift of eternal life. That in and of itself is more than I could ever imagine receiving from God, but he didn’t stop with just that gift. When Jesus returned to heaven after his resurrection, the Holy Spirit was sent to give us power through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2 we see the day of Pentecost, when the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are made available to us, the church. We need to understand that the Gifts of the Spirit are just that—a gift that I don’t have to do anything to receive. The Gifts of the Spirit are given to believers so that they can operate under the anointing and power of God. I believe it is God’s desire for every believer to live daily under the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit, but God will never force us to do it. Just as no one can force me to accept a gift, we need to understand that God will never force us to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. My question is: why would you not want to receive everything God has given for your benefit?

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