Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Father's Who Make a Difference

I was blessed to have a dad who displayed his love in many ways. He worked several jobs to provide for our family and allow us as kids growing up to have our mom at home with us every day. In the midst of working all those jobs, he still had time to be home most evenings to sit down with us for family dinner, and he umpired at our little league park where we spent many an evening playing baseball. He taught us the importance of being in church by always making sure his family was at services and Sunday School each week. In fact, there were several years when he was my teacher, and I always enjoyed playing Bible Baseball and other fun games to learn the Bible.

My dad has a way of making us all laugh, even though he’s not as funny as he thinks he is. As kids, we grew up singing a song that he wrote, or tells us he wrote, and we would laugh all the time singing it. And I guess that he must have written it, because I’ve never heard it sung in any church on a Sunday morning. Guess no one ever taught him to copyright and publish his work. My dad taught me the importance of loving God and treating others with love and respect by serving any way necessary to advance the gospel message.

When I think about my life as a dad, I’m baffled by a God who would bless me with two amazingly wonderful children. And now that family has grown to include an unbelievable son-in-law along with a beautiful granddaughter. My desire is to be the same type of leader of my family that my dad was for our family. He did it the same way that his father taught him to lead his family when he was younger. And now I want to teach my son and son-in-law to do it the same way that was passed on to me. What the world needs today is for more men to stand up and be the dad God intends for them to be, leading their families closer to God and being servants showing God’s love to the world around them. Men who can bring joy and laughter to their families as well as create a life-long heritage that will pass from generation to generation. I was blessed to have that in my life and have a great example that I can pass on. If you were not blessed to have the heritage I had, you can create your own heritage. Rise up, dads, and show your family how to serve the Lord.

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