Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Trip to the Dentist

Since last October I have been going through the process of having a new tooth implant put in. What I thought would be a short process has turned out to last months. I think that the end is in sight, but I’ll find out in two weeks. So what does that have to do with my blog today? Well, today I had to go and have more work done, and I’ve come to enjoy going to see my oral surgeon. Oral surgery has come a long ways from when I was a kid and it is not a bad experience to me.

They begin by giving me laughing gas to relax me. I’m the type of person that gets talkative when I start to relax, so I become very chatty with the nurse assisting the surgeon. After I inhale the laughing gas for about five minutes, the doctor comes in and asks how I’m feeling, knowing full well that I’m feeling pretty good by now. Then a large cotton swab with a numbing agent is placed on my gum to numb it before he begins injecting the numbing medicine to numb my mouth. By the time he is finished with the numbing injections he could repeatedly punch me in the mouth and I’d never know it. Good stuff! Lol. Now I’m ready for the dental work to be done.

After about 15 or 20 minutes the work was complete, and I never felt one bit of pain or discomfort during the entire process. As he was working on me today I was thinking that this dentist could do anything he wanted to the inside of my mouth, and I’d never know it until later in the day when all the numbing medication started wearing off. I’m in a state of totally trusting that he has my mouth’s best interest in everything that he does during this procedure.

That brings me to the lesson that I learned today. As I go through life I can become numb to things in the world that go against what the Bible teaches me. I can begin to fall into the lie that the Bible really doesn’t mean what it says because it was written during a different period of human history. And when I begin falling into that lie I find myself living a life that is not pleasing to God. I can’t allow myself to become numb to the truths found in the Bible but instead must resist the attempt of society to redefine my faith. It may be uncomfortable because people are going to think you are a Christian fanatic, but you’re not here for the approval of man. The only words I look forward to hearing when this life is done will come from Jesus Christ: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!” 

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