Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Play Date With Brynley

I don’t think there are many things better in life than experiencing the joy and laughter of a child. Last night, since we were iced in, we invited Krystal, Justin, and Brynley over for dinner. They live less than a mile away and wanted to get out of the house for a little while. When they arrived we were waiting on dinner to finish cooking and Tami was busy with some project, so I asked Brynley if she wanted to play. With a big smile and excitement in her voice she said, “Yes!” So I asked if she wanted me to bring some toys into our family room or if she wanted to go to her play room. The play room! She took me by the hand and led me back to the room where we keep her toys. She opened the door and we walked in, ready for some Papa and Brynley time.

The first thing we did was sit at her drawing table and write. I spelled my name and Brynley’s name then had her try doing the same thing. I had a wet paper towel to clean the white board, and she was prompt to point out spots I missed. The fun we had drawing and writing was priceless. After that we had to go play with her barn animals. Brynley has a little barn with stalls for the animals, and when you open their gate the barn makes the noise of that animal. So we made sure that every animal was in the right stall. The ‘neigh,’ that’s a horse to us and is Brynley’s favorite animal, the pig, the sheep, the cow, and the chicken. We laughed at the animal sounds coming out of the barn and moved the animals around like we were really out on the farm.

From there it was on to her doll house. I’m so glad I know how to spell it because apparently I don’t know how to pronounce it! Lol. Last weekend at the Couple’s Breakaway I read a question with the word doll in it and only Jennifer Brasnick understood what I was saying. My sister wasn’t in the room when this was going on, so when she came in they asked her to say the word, and she said it identical to me. Anyway, back to my play date. We played with Brynley’s doll house that had a daddy doll, a mommy doll, a Brynley doll, and a Haven doll. Haven is Brynley’s little sister who is going to be born next week!

Those few moments of quality time with Brynley are so special because she normally wants her mommy or Mimi. But it was just us two having some alone time, and even though she will forget about our play date in a few days these times will always hold a special place in my heart. Just as that time with Brynley was so special, I know that Jesus is just waiting for special alone time with me. He wants to teach me how to follow His Word, how to enjoy His wonderful creation, and how to just be filled with joy because all I want is to be with Him for a special time.

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