A show that I’ve come to enjoy over the past few years is called “Master Chef.” I’m drawn to the show because I love to eat good food and cooking it is almost as fun. The basis of the show is that every contestant is a home chef. They face various challenges that require them to cook dishes that you’d find in quality restaurants. Some of the dishes are highly technical dishes to make, while others are based on understanding the skills of baking.
I remember the first few seasons watching the show and wondering how in the world these home chefs knew how to make every dish they were challenged to cook. They would share how they’d never made the dish but would produce these unbelievable replicas. The longer I watched, the more it puzzled me, until one day I realized that there is this wonderful tool that is used when creating these one-hour shows that we watch each week. That tool is called “editing.”
When the chefs are challenged to create a dish, I believe that several things happen behind the scenes. I believe they are able to ask questions and are given some clues on how a dish is prepared. I believe there are times when they get to taste the dish and discover flavors that may be hidden inside. And I believe that there are some dishes, especially those that are baked, for which they are given recipes. I believe this because baking is not about finesse and taste but precise measuring and following the directions for the dish to turn out right. So with editing the producers can take several hours to get the right footage to create one hour of exciting television.
In my day to day life, there are times I wish I could eliminate some of my actions because I know I can do better. I can’t go back and edit out those times, but I also don’t have to let them determine my future. I have the recipe for a successful and productive life found through the Word of God and all I have to do is follow that recipe. I can’t edit my life—in fact, I remember my mistakes and can relive them over and over—but this is what I need to remember: God is the ultimate editor who promises to never remember my failures. Once I ask for forgiveness, he wipes the slate clean and will never bring it back again. He also promises to give me the proper tools to live life to its fullest and make a powerful impact on those around me. Discover what God has for you and let him edit out your past failures. Forget the past and look forward to the great things you’re going to produce through your life this week.
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