Last week I was captivated by the events surrounding the 70th anniversary of D-Day. It was June 6, 1944, when some 156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France’s Normandy region. The invasions began at 6:30 a.m. One of the landing areas was Omaha Beach, where U.S. forces faced heavy resistance and over 2,000 Americans would give their lives in the hope of freedom for all people. By the end of the day, Allied troops had successfully stormed Normandy’s beaches. More than 4,000 Allied troops lost their lives in the D-Day invasion, with thousands more wounded or missing.
These soldiers fought, with many giving their lives, so that we could live in a country where every citizen was given the opportunity to dream. And not only to dream, but to live in a place where those dreams could become a reality. A place where we didn’t have to live in fear of a government that would try to limit those dreams or the hard work it would take to reach them. Everything I am today is because of those men and women who have sacrificed to ensure I have the right to make choices for my life.
As I was reflecting on those sacrifices, I couldn’t help but wonder what those brave soldiers would think of what America is becoming. It seems as if our regard for dreaming and working hard is slowly being replaced by a society in which we expect others to take care of us. America is a great country because Americans have always taken pride in working hard and getting the task done. We lived in a country that encouraged us to worship God and love our neighbors, but that has changed. Today I see so many that feel like they are owed something because they are Americans. The attitude seems to be: What can I get without effort because I’m entitled to it? We have to remind ourselves of what made America great and start teaching that to our children. And not only teach it, but start sacrificing to ensure they can enjoy the America that men and women sacrificed to pass on to us. A great nation where dreams can come true!
Jesus Christ came to this world 2000 years ago to offer each of us hope. Hope of a relationship and eternal home with God. He died on a cross to pay the price for my sin and your sin. That’s been the message of the church, and many men and women have died to preserve that message of hope. Over the past several years I’ve seen churches that have started to compromise that message, telling people that certain sins are acceptable to God and that Jesus is one of several ways to have a relationship with God. Just as my heart breaks because of those who are trying to destroy the America I have come to love, it breaks even more from those who are bringing a message that will destroy a person for eternity. Please don’t fall to the lies that compromise the message of the gospel. Jesus Christ is “the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through [Him]” (John 14:6). I thank God for America and my relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
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