A few weeks ago a new movie came out titled Noah. I don’t get out very often to see movies, but I decided that I wanted to see this depiction of a story I learned as a child in Sunday School. It had to be in my top 10 favorite stories to listen to because of the magnitude of the miracle that happened. So, I woke up early on my day off and headed to the theater.
After the movie ended I was disturbed by what I had just seen. I understand that the movie was not put together by a Christian organization, but I’ve heard over and over again that while some artistic interpretations were interjected into the movie, it stayed along the storyline presented in the Bible. To all of that I have to say, BALOGNA! I sat and watched a movie that took an amazing story of God’s love for one man and his family who remained righteous while the world was out of control and turned it into something that caused me to hurt for those who would be deceived by the lie it created. I’m not going to tell you the whole plot of the movie, but let me tell you the true story found in Genesis 6-7.
Noah was a man who was passionate in his faith to follow the guidance of God. When God decided that He was going to destroy every living, breathing thing on earth, He saw Noah. His love for Noah caused Him to want to protect Noah and his family. God spoke to Noah about His plan—His plan to destroy the earth with a flood—and how Noah was to build an ark to save his family and every other species of life. God specifically told Noah how to build the ark, the size, the wood to use, how to water proof it, etc. Noah and his sons were obedient to what the Lord commanded and built the ark. When Noah was 600 years old the flood waters came and, just as God had told Noah, every living creature not on the ark perished in the flood.
In the movie, the disastrous ending was that Noah had failed God’s mission because he was supposed to wipe out the human race and only the animals were to survive. This is not the truth of the story but many may be foolish enough to buy into the lie. Noah and his family were the ones God chose to protect because of Noah’s personal relationship with God. In life, just because something man creates looks amazing, with unbelievable graphics and animation, doesn’t mean it’s scriptural. Know what the Word of God teaches about events that have happened throughout the history of mankind. Be willing to take a stand to declare the truth so that others are not misled. In our lives we will be often be confronted with half-truths that may sound good, but they are not scriptural. Grow in your faith and knowledge of the Lord so you don’t fall prey to half-truths. If you haven’t seen the movie Noah, my advice is to save your money and do something better. If you have, read Genesis 6-7 and remember the true events that happened to Noah and his family.
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