I went to a familiar restaurant the other day which is in a nice location, clean, and the meals are good. As the waiter was taking my drink order, I looked up and saw crawling down the side of the booth a roach….sick! When the waiter returned, I pointed out our little friend. He proceeded to knock it off onto the floor but before he could step on it ...the roach was gone. He asked if I still wanted to eat there or if I was going to leave. I decided to stay.....
First, the restaurant was clean they simply had a problem with roaches. The food and service had always been good so we had not complaints from that side of things. This restaurant was located in a place that was nice and if there were roaches in this place then probably most of the restaurants in the area probably had a problem too. So, I stayed. In the middle of lunch the manager approached me very embarrassed and apologetic. He said they have a company that sprays the restaurant but they are in a constant battle to keep the roach problem under control. He said that my lunch was on the house and appreciated me staying to eat there. So here are the lessons learned that day.
There is no perfect restaurant out there that does not have to face problems of some type. In my life, I live with people and have to understand that there are no perfect people I will ever encounter. When the problem was identified the manager accepted responsibility and assured us of the plan in action to correct the issue. Even though I’m around imperfect people do they understand their shortcomings and do they have a plan to correct them or do they simply bury their heads in the sand just hoping they will go away? The manager gave us our meals as a gesture of good will. We did not ask for it and I truly wasn’t expecting it. I had the free choice of walking out or remaining and eating my lunch. I enjoyed my lunch and expected to pay for the service I had received. When those around me hurt me and fail me but want restoration I understand that I have the power to forgive or walk away from them holding onto that hurt. Through our studies on the Fruit of the Spirit we have learned that the mature believer forgives and forgets. They are patient and show kindness and love even though it may not be what is deserved. As a staff, cheap preachers, we left happy that day because we received a free lunch from a man who was trying to make things right. As a believer in Christ I’m supposed to do everything in my power to keep unity in the church. That means that sometimes I may have to comp a meal but in the long run I’ll win because I’ll have gained a friend who will never forget. Yes, we will go back to this place again and no, I will not tell you where we ate!
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