Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Patient...not always easy!

Patience is the Fruit of the Spirit that we covered last Sunday morning as we continued our journey down the path of “Walking in the Spirit.” I’m amazed at how easy it is to preach on the Fruit of the Spirit, yet when the time comes to live it there are some real challenges. Last Friday, Tami and I went out to dinner with our daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter. We had a great time visiting and just being together. At the end of the dinner we discovered that our Explorer had been broken into and robbed. Ugh…what a mess. As we began viewing the damage and trying to figure out what had been stolen, I was not too worried because we have insurance. Insurance—you know, the policy you pay a lot of money to so that you are protected in case anything like this happens to you. Well, I’ve discovered over the last few days that just because you have insurance doesn’t mean that the process of making claims is simple. After spending time creating three reports with the insurance company, I’ve now come to learn that they want us to prove we actually owned the items that were stolen from the vehicle. A part of me understands, but there are several items valued at less than $50…how do I prove I had that item? I know some people are fantastic at keeping receipts for every little thing, but I just never sensed the need. So now I’m stuck in a debate with the insurance company and trying to prove we actually owned what is gone. Patience!

As I reflect upon that situation, I look at my life and the goals and desires I have for my personal life, my family, and the church. There are days when I feel like I’m enjoying a nice dinner and life couldn’t be any better, but then come the days when there is chaos and I feel like I’m fighting just to get where I need to be. Patience…that’s the key. I know what God has promised to me, my family, and Abundant Life. I know God is faithful to fulfill His promises when I’m walking in obedience to His leading, and I know that I will witness those promises fulfilled. Patience…

What are you struggling with today in this area? Is it yourself? Your family? A situation at work or a relationship? Maybe it’s a financial problem or something else that I have not even described, but I want you to know that God is fully aware of your situation and trying to teach you the Fruit of the Spirit called Patience. Keep praying, trusting God, and walking in faith, and you will see the victory. 

I love the story of Caleb found in Joshua 14. We are reminded of the patience he had to display by waiting 40 years to enter the promised land. Then, when the day came to stake his claim, he didn’t sit around waiting but instead took action. I know we need to show patience in many areas of life, but when the day comes to step up, we need to be just like Caleb and go into action so that God’s promises can be fulfilled in our lives.

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