Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Over the past few weeks we have been experiencing a lot of changes in our weather. As winter draws to a close and spring quickly approaches, we have those days when it’s in the 80s, like yesterday, but then we can turn around and have a day in the 40s. I personally don’t like the change because I want a consistent pattern every day—preferably in the 80s every day. Yet I know that for plants, grass, and trees to grow properly, they have to go through the various seasons to help them recover from hard years and get the necessary moisture for the summer to come.

In much the same way, I prefer to have a life that is in the perfect temperature range. Little problems and stress, being loved by everyone, and everything I do prospering. Yet I know that this is unrealistic and not God’s plan for my life. God wants to produce in us growth, and to do that we need to go through uncomfortable times in our lives. That involves such things as hearing a message or lesson that I may not like, restoring relationships with people I may not like, weathering storms of life that I may not like, but understanding that each of them produces results that will lead me closer to God.

Jesus Christ stayed the course knowing that the ultimate sacrifice would result in the ultimate prize….our salvation. The things you go through in life, based on how you choose to react to them, will make an impact on others around you in a positive or negative way for the Gospel message we proclaim. Don’t let your reaction to the changes affect others in a negative way.

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